What can be done to improve the joint pain during winters!

What can be done to improve the joint pain during winters!

Why arthritis happen?

It is also known as the degenerative joint disease; knee osteoarthritis is quite common condition and nearly 46 percent of people develop the knee osteoarthritis once in a lifetime. The cartilage is generally damaged around joints and the joints become painful. It generally takes many years to develop knee osteoarthritis and the process of degeneration can be slowed down using various measures including exercises. People with arthritis generally have joint stiffness or joint pain after a period of rest or inactivity. Functional activities such as running, jogging stair climbing, and kneeling are affecting due to joint arthritis making these activities difficult to perform. There are conditions which predispose the joints to arthritis, and some of these conditions are overweight or obesity, previous joint injury or joint deformities, frequent joint stressing (due to playing or excessive stress) and genetic inheritance of having joint arthritis.

The most commonly involved joints are the:

hips and

The joint involvement might be mild in some cases to extremely severe in others.

Factors that lead to development of joint arthritis are

Overweight or obesity
Overuse from repetitive movement
Family history of joint arthritis
Deformed joints
History of injury or surgery

Joint pain is felt more post injury or due to aging. In low temperature, people experience muscle spasms or tightness, leading to reduced joint mobility or joint stiffness. During winters, as the exposure to sunlight is reduced and hence joints and bones are weakened (low levels of Vitamin D).

There is a chance of frostbite as well, the blood circulations from the feet and hands should also be checked as it might be dropped leading to pain pressure and swellings in the joints. The pain is often linked with aging related arthritis; It can hinder in performing ADL activities or functional activities.

In winters, the barometric pressure around joints are reduced, leading to swelling cartilage and synovial lining, joint pain receptors become highly sensitive, tightness is felt in joint ligaments and muscles and reduced fluid movement are felt within joints, leading to joint stiffness and muscle tightness especially in the morning.

How to take care of the joints?

Wear warm clothes - keep your hands and feet joints warm all the time. Use warm clothes or supporter compression garments or wraps to keep the joints warm.
Take vitamin D supplements - ensure the vitamin D levels are maintained normal for patients as many must have reduced vitamin D levels or osteoporosis. Proper exercises should have also taught to avoid the osteoporosis.
Increase the intake of omega 3 fatty acid - it helps in reducing the joint inflammation, it can prevent in making your joints stiff in winters. Some kind of foods such as flaxseeds, avocados, fish and walnuts are all helpful in reducing the joint inflammation and letting your joint function smoothly during winters.
Exercise regularly - if you exercise regularly the chances of building healthy bones and muscles are great and you will not experience pain that often. Focus should be on flexibility and strengthening exercises. Exercises help in maintaining healthy body weight and reduce the pressure on the joints as well.
Adequate hydration is also required. Local application of essential oils and liniments work wonder.

Treatment provided at Physio Active India

Here at Physio Active India, we thoroughly evaluate the patient who come to us with arthritic conditions. After the initial evaluation, the physical therapy management is planned. It might include various modalities e.g., ultrasound, interferential therapy, laser and heat/cold therapy. The myofascial releases or acupuncture sessions are provided to release the muscle tension around the joints. Strengthening exercises play a major role here as they help in reducing the joint load and making the movements more efficient. Besides strengthening, overall flexibility and general fitness should also be improved. Having a great lifestyle can help anyone with the great muscle and joint health as well!

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